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Tanya Katerí Hernández

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Books by Tanya Katerí Hernández

Inocencia Racial

“Profound and revelatory, Racial Innocence tackles head-on the insidious grip of white supremacy on our communities and how we all might free ourselves from its predation. Tanya Katerí Hernández is fearless and brilliant. ...What fire!” —Junot Díaz

Ahora disponible en español, el primer libro exhaustivo sobre la antinegritud en la comunidad latina que desenmascara la idea equivocada de que los latinos están "exentos" de racismo debido a su origen étnico y multicultural

Now available in Spanish, the first comprehensive book about anti-Black bias in the Latino community that unpacks the misconception that Latinos are “exempt” from racism due to their ethnicity and multicultural background

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Racial Innocence

“Profound and revelatory, Racial Innocence tackles head-on the insidious grip of white supremacy on our communities and how we all might free ourselves from its predation. Tanya Katerí Hernández is fearless and brilliant . . . What fire!”Junot Díaz

The first comprehensive book about anti-Black bias in the Latino community that unpacks the misconception that Latinos are “exempt” from racism due to their ethnicity and multicultural background

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