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Article  •  13 September 2023


The letter Jelena Dokic wrote herself to restore her self-worth

See the letter that Jelena Dokic wrote to herself and learn more about her new book, Fearless.

When you hear the name Jelena Dokic, you probably think of tennis. But in addition to her athletic career, Jelena is a role model off the court. In her first memoir, Unbreakable, published in 2018, Jelena told her full story. From war-torn Yugoslavia to Wimbledon, the book highlighted her strength and bravery throughout many hardships.

In her new book, Fearless, Jelena taps into the same vulnerability to inspire others. Based on her lived experience, the book guides readers on reclaiming their lives, learning to reach out, and  – most importantly – healing.

Included in the book is a letter that Jelena wrote to herself while struggling with her mental health. In 2022, she was at a low point, but despite the hardships, she was determined to restore her sense of self-worth.

This is the letter she wrote to herself – and it still hangs on her fridge today:

You got this, you can do this, so don’t give up, especially on yourself.

Just know you are strong, courageous and a fighter.

You are getting up and showing up every single day, no matter how hard things are. You are trying and doing it over and over again, no matter what life throws at you.

Life has thrown a lot at you but you are still here fighting.

Despite all the struggles and inner battles that you are fighting, you still wake up with hope.

You are fighting and not giving up, even though you feel weak and even though it feels like there is nothing left to fight for.

You are in pain, you are hurting, but you still continue to try to heal, and you are a survivor.

There is something incredibly inspiring and powerful in the fact that you continue to believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel even though you can’t see it a lot of the time, and that you are holding onto hope even through the darkest times.

So just know you are strong, brave and you got this. You are unbreakable.

Don’t give up on yourself. Never.


Want more wisdom like this? Start reading Fearless, here.

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Find your power to thrive with inspirational advice in Jelena’s own words.
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